2018-03-10 Ronald James Vincent (1940-2016) was my 2nd cousin, the first born of James Alfred Vincent (1915-2010) who was my father's 1st cousin. Ron was the grandson of Alvin Eugene Vincent (1863-1961) my grandfather's brother. My dad used to take us to visit his Uncle Alvin over in Mississippi when we were kids. He was a widower who lived with his son, James Alfred I guess ever since his wife died in '49. The old guy was in his 80s at the time and I remember them telling me how he walked a mile every day to the bowling alley. He loved to go bowling. I thought that was pretty cool! It wasn't until years later that I learned from dad's cousin, James Alfred Vincent, that he had a son named Ron Vincent, just like me. I only met Ron once. That was at the funeral of his uncle Clarence who was his dad's older brother. Clarence died in June 2001. My wife and I went to Mobile County, Alabama for his funeral. Funny how all my family were so close to Clarence Vincent and his family, how we had visited Clarence's brother James Alfred Vincent and his dad, Alvin, yet I never knew anything about James Alfred's kids until I was grown. I guess we just never talked about that. Ron Vincent was a very interesting guy and a bit of a computer nerd like me (but far more knowledgeable than I). He had been in the telephone business like me but instead of working in the U.S., Ron spent lived much of his life overseas in Europe where he helped install government owned telephone systems there after the iron curtain fell. Ron retired and moved back to live with his dad in Mississippi until James Alfred went into a nursing home. Ron went into politics. He maintained a website, RonVincent.com, until his death. Being a premium domain name like my domains (RonnieVincent.com and ronv.net), his old web addres is now worth nearly $1,000.00. It's sad we couldn't have kept it to honor my cousin but some other company grabbed it to market the address before anyone in the family could deal with the red tape. I'm grateful to have known my cousin Ron, however briefly. He generously sent me digital copies of many old family photos. I have them posted at mykinfolks.org/photos/Vincent_Photos/Alvin_Vincent_Family_Photos. If you wish to see them, just copy/paste this web address into your browser's address bar (or Google for it) and follow the links to: Photos_from_Cousin_Ron_Vincent/ If we can't dedicate a website or at least a web page to my cousin Ron, maybe at least this brief bit of info will help us remember who he was and be grateful that he helped preserve some of our family's memories. God bless you cousin Ron, wherever you are. ~Ron.V.