Aug. 19, 2011 - Friday

Western Kansas

The first thing we saw as we left Salina were beautiful blue skies and this field of wind turbines.

No photo can give you a feeling of how huge these things are.  There are 3 blades on them.  They turn very slowly.

A single blade on the back of a semi truck was on the freeway being delivered somewhere.

At a rest stop I asked him how long the blade is.  The driver said it's 49 meters.  That's over 150 feet.  It means the 3 blades turn within a circle that's larger than a football field.

Now we know where the Garden of Eden is located -- in Kansas!

We saw several old abandoned farm houses like this one.

Also saw quite a few ponds.

Here's an unusual structure.

The stone hut to the left in this photo looks like some sort of storage building.

Here's a nice looking farm house.

The farms all looked well  kept and profitable.

Some of the ponds were quite nice looking.

Are these guys advertising for McDonald's?

Nice truck!

These are crude oil tanks.

There are quite a few oil wells in western Kansas.

Here's a sobering thought.

I couldn't figure this one out.  Looked like a monument to a road runner or maybe Woody Woodpecker.

There are lots of grain elevators in Kansas.

Here's an unusal gas station.  It's unmanned!

Sorry this pic is so blurred.  I had to snap quickly.  The sign on the right says, "Entering Mountain Time Zone."

The further west we drove the dryer the soil looked.  And the farms couldn't survive except for irrigation.

Nice field of sunflowers.

I don't think I've seen many tight "S" curves on a freeway.

Just before we crossed into Colorado we passed near this town.  Kansas + Colorado = Kanorado.  Hmmmm, interesting.

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