August 4, 2010 - Day 3 Part 1

We left our motel early in the morning to get breakfast.

Next we were on our way through the corner of Iowa.  They grow corn there.

We very shortly entered Nebraska.

They grow corn there too.

They grow corn there three.

Sometimes they grow soy beans.

Hey!  Sometimes they also grow hay.

Did I mention Nebraska is the "Corn Husker state"?

But it's easy to see how they could produce so much.  The size of the average farm in Nebraska is twice the national average.  They also seem to have plenty of water and they use it liberally as well (get it -- well?  Bad pun, bad pun, shame, shame).

But just look at this rich, black soil.

There are other things besides farms to look at in Nebraska such as the "Great Platte River Road Archway Monument."

... not to mention the sights seen riding down the road.

We stopped at the Pony Express Station.

It has lots of artifacts, history, and souvenirs.

As you see, the Pony Express only existed from 1860 to 1861.  Once the telegraph was completed to west, the Pony Express was no longer needed.  Also, within a few years, there was the Union Pacific Railroad to bring the mail west.

In the movies we see a fast rider handing off the mail to another fast rider.  It didn't happen that way.  A rider changed horses every 10 miles.

They didn't use a saddle bag either.  Mail was carried in this "Mochila", a device that fits over a saddle.  It contains 4 pockets for holding letters, 2 pockets per side.  The rider had 2 minutes to move from one horse to another. 

By the way, one 1/2 ounce letter cost $5.00 in postage in 1860.  So don't complain about the cost of stamps going up.

This story is continued in Day 3 part 2.

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