2008-06-18b Trip to Manti - Part 4 of 4

The town of Ephraim

On the way leaving Manti, the next major community we passed through was Ephraim.  On the way to / from Ephraim and in town we found lots of things to take photos of.

In Ephraim we came across this collection of restored old buildings.

They were so close together we had to use the wide-angle lens to catch the group.

While I was photographing the buildings outside, Linda went inside this building to see what they had in the way of crafts.  It was chocked full.

Gee, we didn't now you could get into cattle raising so easily.  I really hope these grow.

Only in Utah!

Not all the desert is bare looking.  These people are famous for irrigation.

Some ranches and farms looked like this.

And some looked like this.  This is another turkey farm.

See what I mean?

Here's a ranch.

Some of these grass lands really looked plush thanks to irrigation.

They also grow sheep...

And tee-pees...

There's the bishop's storehouse.

More sheep...

... and cattle.

I'm not sure what this building was.  It just looked interesting.

Well, it was lunch time and all this talk of turkey, we decided to stop by a local place and try some.  We asked for turkey Bar-b-que.  Wouldn't ya know it, they were fresh out.  We had to settle for a cold turkey sandwich.

On our way from lunch, the snow capped mountains finally came into view.

Here's a closeup.

What a shame so much of the land was damaged by forest fires.

In the west, fires sometimes destroy hundreds of 1000s of acres.


Ah, but at least it's growing back as evidenced by all the green at the base of these trees.

The difference in the appearance of these hills is sometimes startling.

That concludes the trip to Manti and the southeastern part of central Utah.  You can see the desert isn't as barren as some people make it out to be.

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